Baton Rouge, LA
$1195-1495 PHOTOBOOTH+DJ COMBO for 4 hours! Be sure to mention WEDJ--We're always available supplying DJ, Photography, Photo booths & Video to South Louisiana! Discounts available for purchasing multiple services. more
$1195-1495 PHOTOBOOTH+DJ COMBO for 4 hours! Be sure to mention WEDJ--We're always available supplying DJ, Photography, Photo booths & Video to South Louisiana! Discounts available for purchasing multiple services. more
Premier D.J. and Photo Booth Entertainment! 29+ YEARS EXPERIENCE | LICENSED | INSURED Welcome to the world of Rock-It Productions, a D.J. Sound & Lighting entertainment service that exceeds the others with the latest in technology, up to date music, and experienced D.J.s/M.C.s/ Sound Tecs. We offer the largest lighting system in this area & incredible photo booth options. We Cover the entire ... more
Search one of the world's largest directory of djs/disc jockeys located near Osyka, Mississippi for wedding, private parties and more. You can even check your date online for instant availability. Find your Osyka Wedding DJ today! more
Search one of the world's largest directory of photographers located near Osyka, Mississippi for wedding, private parties and more. You can even check your date online for instant availability. Find your Osyka Wedding DJ today! more
Search one of the world's largest directory of videographers located near Osyka, Mississippi for wedding, private parties and more. Find your Osyka Wedding Videographer today! more
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